What is Happiness

What is Happiness 

Happiness comes out the core of heart. Happiness is a sense of well-being or joy. Actually, when people are successful, safe, or lucky they feel happy. Happiness is when your life fulfills your needs.

It's always nice to have someone in your life that make you happy. Happiness is important. 

There have some tools that bring happiness:

1.   Appreciate what you have
2.   Focus on things that truly matter   
3.   Love your life
4.   Limit your time with negative people
5.   Try to enjoy your moment
6.   Love those people who make you happy
7.   Think positive

These tools help you to find your true happiness. Keep smiling and satisfy what you have, don't expect more. Because expectation can destroy your happiness. Look, you’re rich don’t desire more, be satisfy what God gives you. Some people in our society really have a lot of things but they’re not happy because they need more.

You know happiness is a choice. Many people believe that you’re either born happy or you’re not. If you want to create real and lasting happiness then you have to choice be happy.
                       Its totally depends on your choice to be happy. 

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